Friday 16 May 2014

Joyeux Anniversaire

16 April, 1958. A most auspicious date when I entered this beautiful world.

Finding this little fluffy feather outside my sliding door on the morning of my birthday, felt like a gift from nature.

 I was ecstatic to be able to spend my 56th birthday in France with a bunch of very, very cool people.

B. and J. picked me up and we zoomed up the slopes of the mountain, Charance, to Éve's lovely house. The late afternoon sun was shining and the happiness in my heart felt like a balloon ready to burst.

Éve and a sweet little 10 year old girl, R., had decorated the front gate with a welcome sign and magnetic letters expressing goodwill. The late afternoon sun created a sharp glare that ensured I couldn't see what I was taking a photo of. Unfortunately, the photo of the welcome on the gate turned out to be a closeup, with little to show.

Éve had gone to a lot of trouble to set the garden out for the guests. It looked great.

Éve characteristically chuckled as she explained that the colourful "Joyeux Anniversaire" sign hanging on the hedge hadn't been brought out for a long time, since her son was small. To me it seemed to be smiling!!!!

J.-M. looked extremely dapper in his white hat and light blue striped shirt. B. wore a very smart white dress, giving a light summer feel to the occasion. J. and D. were casual chic in their white tops and jeans. É. with the loving, nurturing energy of a mother, brought out extra chairs and poured iced drinks whilst the rest of us socialised.

Éve giggled as she asked me if I wanted a single candle or a representative 5 candles for the cake. I opted for the easier single candle version. As it turned out, it took ages for the candle to be lit.  The gentle zephyr that played in the leaves of the trees, decided that it would mischievously play with the resistant candle flame. 

As you can see, Éve's handiwork with decorating the cake was very touching. 

My heart swelled with love as the small group of french friends sang an endearing version of "Joyeux Anniversaire" to me. When the song had finished we all laughed with embarrassment at their somewhat "unsteady" singing voices. The breeze had already taken care of the flame extinguishing ritual.

The cake tasted delicious!!!!!! It went down nicely with two glasses of delicious French champagne.

Éve offered everyone a taste of this liqueur. We roared with laughter as they explained to me that this drink makes the male extremely virile with the ladies. The picture of the flower has a somewhat metaphoric message.

Never one to be shy of a public speech opportunity, I dug into my handbag and pulled out a pre-prepared thank you speech written in french. I commenced with a few "French" jokes and then expressed sincere thanks to each and each one of them. It was received well, to my relief. I think that there weren't too many errors.

R. , who had a most endearing Marseilles accent, left on his Suzuki Bandit motorcycle.
D. rushed off to pick up his kids from day care. The rest of us sat around talking and laughing until the sun and wind made it unpleasant to remain outdoors.

I gathered up my affairs to return back to the reality of my apartment. The swelling of love for France and my small eclectic collection of new friends continued to make me feel the strong emotion pumping through my veins.  
( .... Or was that the Champagne communicating to me?) 

The group had contributed together to present me with a most DIVINE bottle of french perfume... "Manifesto"... YSL.

I will really treasure this picture of Éve and I.


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