Tuesday 15 April 2014

Musings from where I sit

My evenings are spent listening to music and podcasts while I industriously knit colourful peggy squares. I love the different colours and I love watching my eclectic pile grow.

I get a big buzz from watching the trees develop fresh greenery before my very eyes. 

Putting the washing out to dry in the mountain air has become an enjoyable experience. However, it doesn't surpass the scent of the crisp, dry washing as I scrunch it up to my face as I unpeg it from the clothesline.

The sharp mountain sunlight always creates very sharp shadows.

 This delightful Toucan has become a friend of mine. I will be soooo sad to leave him behind. His cheery face seems to have a subtle smile. He weighs a ton. I hope that i will find a good new home for him.

"Souiris à la vie et la vie te sourira." 

Smile, and the world smiles back.

"Hello World. It's a beautiful day."

A shamelessly narcissistic selfie. My new fringe length is way too short for my comfort. Give it two weeks and "she'll be right."

  • A green-haired angel watches over my every move in my apartment. Nothing gets past her beady eyes!
  • A panoramic card with a view of Gap on the cover. 2014 blazoned across the front reminds me that this is a year for magnificence!
  • My newly purchased french flag cost a bomb. It will become a treasure back in NZ!
  • The gay colours of my knitting cheer me up if ever I need cheering up.

These eye-catching sneakers were an impulse buy. They have given me bulbous blisters on my heels. Blast!!!!

I love my poster of the Eiffel Tower.

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