Wednesday 21 August 2013

Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity Knocks

My brain went into recession when I was a hairdresser. I didn't see it coming, nor did I see it happening to me. That is the way of things. It is only with the astounding accuracy, beauty and profundity of hindsight that I am able to say confidently that I have got my brain back again. Fortunately, at the moment, it is in tip top working order, or at least, that's what I like to believe. 

My brain likes french. It sometimes goes into automatic pilot. Sometimes, I can be thinking about something else, and I find that I have just spoken one or two sentences that are somewhat accurate and perform the task of intelligent communication! Unfortunately, most of the time, I have to labour over searching the dusty files for vocabulary, grammatical rules and manoevering my lips, tongue and nasal sounds to collectively unify into a comprehensible utterance. Once upon a time, I could speak fluent french. I was 18 at the time. A wonderful feeling....... youth, complacent confidence, and of course speaking another beautiful language.

Anyway, the point of this post, is to point out, everything else aside, (brain exercise), I have noticed that learning french has opened many doors for me. I have made some COOL friends, found professional and personal opportunities and indulged in some very interesting past times. I think I am becoming a francophile. Is this a bad thing? I don't want to be stereotyped/labelled or cubby-holed! I might not be interested in rugby, soccer or fishing, but french has taken places that I really enjoy going!

To get the most out of life, I think that it is important to get out there, DO WHAT YOU LOVE, and answer when opportunity knocks!

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