Thursday 17 October 2013

On the Move

The dehydration scare gave me quite a fright.

The last four weeks had been a blast!!!

But I realised that I needed to slow down a bit and give myself time to rest, recover and assimilate with a more gentle demeanour. The next week although full of activity, was more relaxed and peaceful. I also decided not to take so many photos as well. 

Having said that, the week involved many discussions, meetings and organisation to get me established in my own apartment.

By the time Friday rolled around, I was ready mentally and physically to make the move. The apartment is well within 10 minutes walking distance from my friends', M and H as well as school. Mixed emotions as I took this photo of the sweet little bedroom that had been my sanctuary over the last 4 weeks. 

M helped me move.

Amazing how my market purchases and gifts have accumulated in such a short time.

Everything was bundled into the tiny car. We dumped the goods off and went straight to the local furniture shop. I purchased a bright pink faux fur rug, 2 huge bright green bean chairs a full length mirror and a bright green poof. Lugging them out to the car was one thing. Squeezing them all into the tiny car, was another thing. M and I were swamped with bulging soft furnishings as the car found its way back to my new apartment.

With a happy-sad tear in my eye, I bid farewell to M. Deeply touched by her generosity in sharing her precious time to help me out.

I paused to take a photo, confident that the next photo would be of an apartment with a more homely touch.

True to the generosity and incredible goodwill that the people in Gap display, D and G, the owners, had left me a whole lot of organically grown fruit and veggies. Way cool! I rang them and thanked them.

I set out to establish the apartment as a homely environment. I was astounded at how quiet and still everything seemed. The ticking of the clock was deafeningly loud. It wasn't long before I realised that the new chapter that I was about to embark upon was that of independence and inner strength.

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