Wednesday 1 January 2014

Salon du Thé

I took a stroll into town the other day to do some errands. (faire les cours)

I decided to try another place in my quest to find a cappuccino that I like.

I tried a Salon du Thé. The place was absolutely swamped in every different kind of chocolate that exists in this world. I literally had to squeeze myself in the door to manoeuvre around the displays. It was pouring with rain and so it was a nice respite from the weather. 

I placed my dripping umbrella in the courtesy container along with all the other chic umbrellas. (les parapluies) I have a colourful bucket in my classroom with complementary umbrellas in it. It is a great idea, because the kids don't have to deal with wet cloakbays and umbrellas on the floor. I have also found my complementary umbrellas useful for students that need to do an errand around the school and they haven't got a raincoat. Also, the classroom umbrellas have been worth their weight in gold for the odd student that hasn't got a raincoat and they are caught out at the end of the school day. So far, only one has not been returned and one has been broken,(easy to do.)

Anyway, I disrobed and sat down at a cute little table. ( I wear countless coats, scarves and gloves on my expeditions in the great outdoors.) I noticed that the place was quite a little hotspot for women getting together for a chat.

I ordered a cappuccino with fingers crossed under the table, that it would be a goodie. The price that I paid indicated that it could be ……..

When the drink arrived, I was delighted with the presentation. Alas, the cappuccino was bitter and watery, despite the bubbly froth in the photo. The extra money must have paid for the inclusion of water and chocolate.

I took the time to examine the bus timetable to schedule myself around the next departure time. Blast! The next bus departed in 6 minutes or wait another hour for the next one.

I hastily donned all my coats, scarves, gloves and hat; grabbed my bags and umbrella and flew out the door!!!!!!!!

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