Wednesday 1 January 2014

Time for appreciation of nature on the final day of the year

I needed to purchase some alcohol and nibbles for the New Year's Eve celebrations. I decided to be adventurous and travel to the other side of town to the huge supermarket that had an enormous selection of goods.

Whilst waiting for the bus, I chuckled at my sharp, elongated shadow cast by the midday winter sun. Never before have I had such long, modelesque legs!

My new felt hat that I recently purchased looked very chic!

I was perplexed why the bus that I was on was taking a very strange route. It turned out that it definitely was not heading to where I thought it should be. I found myself returning back to where I started from. 

Quickly gathering my thoughts, I made a snap decision to get off the bus and make a journey up the steep side of the local mountain, called Charance. I had two hours to fill in before the next bus.

The next hour I made my way through winding country roads towards the grand Chateau that overlooks the town. There are a number of picturesque walks around the area.

Once I reached quite a high point, I left the road and followed a muddy track into the forest. 

After a while, I paused to remove a layer of clothing and get my breath. I was beside a fast running stream. The majestic trees towered above me. I listened to the silence and was lulled into deep appreciation of the beauty of Mother Nature.

The stream made the most adorable music. The brown leaves made a patchwork carpet on the floor of the woods. There was not a soul around for miles. The azure sky painted a perfect backdrop for the evergreen trees.

 I even took the liberty of leaning against a tree and feeling the slow throb of the pulse of life.

It was only afterwards, that the thought occurred to me that I could have been approached by a wolf.

As I continued to climb the hillside was punctuated with waterfalls of melting snow.

At last, I reached my destination. The Charance Chateau is a solid landmark on the side of the mountain that presides over Gap with a nurturing energy.

The photos are unable to depict the silence, stillness and serene beauty that spread before me.

The descent was a lot quicker and easier than the ascent.

I took a gamble on the interpretation of the bus timetable and miraculously, I connected with a bus, half an hour later, just as I arrived at the appropriate bus stop.

I took the bus to the supermarket, but like a naughty, wayward child, I made a detour to a cool op shop. I spent ages there, deliberating a something new to wear for New Year's Eve. So by the time I arrived back at the supermarket, I only had 10 minutes to make my purchases before my bus departed for the homeward journey!

The supermarket queues snaked for miles long. The supermarket would be closed the next day, and the whole world needed their last minute supplies. My quest for alcohol and nibbles was thwarted.

By the time I arrived back at my apartment, night had descended and it was only 5 o'clock. I downed some food, as I hadn't eaten since breakfast, and made my way out into the frosty evening for a visit to the local supermarket, on foot. It turned out to be an hour long excursion. The upside was the stunning night sky: twinkling stars; stark, intense black sky and midnight blue, mysterious shapes along the winding, country road back to my apartment.

With deep reflection as I was walking, I was able to ponder on 2013 and then set exciting goals for 2014.

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