Friday 21 February 2014


Joel and his mate went for an excruciatingly long run in the mud and wooded countryside. It was an hour and a half around the lake. Friends of Jess and I hunkered into a café. The adorable days-old baby was cute to the max. We drank hot, spiced orange juice and talked and talked and talked. 

The spot is a popular holiday area. I could see why. Cabins, shops, bars, restaurants, swimming pools, etc contributed to a wonderful setting.(I have no idea what the area is called.) The day was freezing cold and the sky was determined to be grey and overcast. But socialising with this wonderful kiwi family was what the doctor ordered as it seems to have been a somewhat "independent" last couple of months in Gap for me.

The men returned from their marathon training run with bright-eyed  and bushy-tailed faces. They were pumped and starving. What better way to celebrate achievement. The beer went down a treat. 

The chocolate-laden crêpes were pretty cool too. More conversation and a quick walk with the baby in the fresh air and sadly, it was time for yet another farewell. These kiwis live in Belgium and they had an hour's drive ahead of them. It was announced that the baby was a ticking time bomb before he realised that he was well and truly hungry. 

 Good on ya, Joel. He swung the car off the motorway on the way home, to get a good giggle about the spire. Check it out. It's CROOKED. OMG! What a hoot! Can you see the slight lean to the right? 

I don't know how Jess found the energy, but she rustled up a huge pot of the most wonderfully delicious vegetable curry. YUMMO! We attempted to watch the movie, "The Book Thief", but the computer insisted on mutinous revenge. Nevertheless, I excused myself for an early-to-bed retreat. I was totally "nana-exhausted." So much excitement and adventured had me pooped.

The next morning, Jess and Joel worked their way through Monday morning traffic to drop me off at a train station halfway to Lille. Saying goodbye to them was gut wrenching for me. Their kindness and hospitality was astronomical. I have to say, I couldn't hold back the tears. I knew that the next time I would see them would be at least the end of the year.

At Lille I caught the TGV to Valence. From Valence, I took a fully laden train to Gap. Town centre to my cosy apartment marked the end of an unforgettable four days.

I wish Jess and Joel all the best for success and fulfilment as they run the Paris Marathon in April. They are training hard, despite times when it is hard to be motivated. 

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