Friday 7 February 2014

Oh boy!!!

Blogging has slowed down due to a "hunkering in" phenomenon that takes place when the weather is somewhat wintry.

Despite my seasonal preferences biased towards sun and warmth; I am not totally down and out. I have taken to doing press ups and sit ups in an effort to avoid resembling "Jabba-the -Hutt" of Star Wars fame. I have knitted a gorgeous pair of leg warmers. Their completion has been perfectly timed for the coldest month of the year. I am listening to the audio book, "The Book Thief" as I sit on my bed at night; three pillows propped behind me, 4 T-shirts on and a plethora of blankets over my legs. Before I drop off to sleep, I dream of sun-drenched fields, waterfalls, chirping cicadas and white fluffy clouds riding on a gentle breeze.

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