Friday 21 February 2014

Proud to be a kiwi

Do not be deceived, dear reader. Jess and Joel took me to Le Quesnoy. It is pronounced Le Ken-wa. It is a town that was liberated by kiwi heroics and bravery. The town is deeply grateful. Look they name the street, Helen Clark Street.

And look, there's New Zealand Street.

And this is the way to the New Zealand monument. Apparently, there are school trips to this very spot to honour the kiwi valour.

I was driven to a remote corner of the town to a rustic old brick wall that had been given the Maori wall mural treatment. Yay! Good find, guys!

Good on ya, Jess, for bringing the kiwi flag to take a worthy snap in front of the New Zealand monument.

The wall might be old and moss-laden, but I can assure you, I felt extremely proud of my New Zealand ancestors that laid down their lives for a country that was a distant ally.

I took a few minutes to pause and suck in the scene, back in the day. In my mind's eye, I could see mud, I could feel the cold and I could see lifeless bodies strewn over the ground. It was an appalling sight. I sent light and love to those who sacrificed their lives, and I hope that the wounds that are etched into the earth are healed. I especially believe that we have learnt our lessons and that we will ensure that never again will we resort to war to resolve issues.

Simply gorgeous northern architecture.

A good shot of Jess and Joel's trusty steed, with a quaint village backdrop.

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