Friday 21 February 2014

Markets, cathedral and café- mélange.

Check out the incredibly beautiful architecture that typifies this northern area of France.
Note the gorgeous cobblestones, the grey sky and Jess and Joel, centre stage.
Saturday morning markets. Oh, what joy. The market was absolutely HUGE. We had so much ground to cover .... and so little time!

The arches, and red-framed windows tickled my aesthetics.

The regal city cathedral, overlooked the busy market place with ancient dignity.

The seats and tables laid out; the artistic arches, the french lettering, the market table in the foreground: this picture is a european "gem".

The disgustingly, squidgy dead sting ray made my stomach heave.

On the other hand, the scallops looked fresh and inviting.

I swear this over sized eel just winked at me.

We ducked into a building for a quick pee wee stop, but I was confronted with these roof-skimming giants. Apparently they are typical of this northern region of France. Oh là là!

Talking about "roofs", check out this simply divine roof line. Some pretty cool modern art in the background as well. Nice!

By the time I had done my business, Joel had already purchased tickets for us all to go up the balfry. The spiral staircase was kinda one person at a time. The tourists that made their way past us declared that it was extremely windy up there. My heart started beating a million times faster than a rabbit on heat. Visions of a lofty climb and being exposed to vertiginous heights made me feel a wee bit nervous. I have yet to conquer my fear of heights. (Crazy and unreasonable, I know!)

 The stage was set. The wind whistled and howled; the icy air in the bell tower bit at my cheeks; the ancient bell reminded me of the atmosphere depicted in the classic, "Hunchback of Notre Dame" movie; the stairwell spiralling upwards towards an unknown height. I giggled with nervous excitement. 

The wind was wild at the top. I must admit, I love a good gale; I wasn't disappointed. My legs were shaking and I didn't trust myself to lean over the sturdy concrete balcony. I confess. I asked Jess to lean over and take this fabulous snap of the market below. Thanks, Jess. This picture is an absolute gem. It shows the european architecture and will forever remind me of the little adrenalin kick I received from this brief little excursion to the top of the Cathedral.

Oh my! Hang on to your wig!!!!!

I gripped onto the railing, just in case the wind decided to pick me up and toss me over the side.

Oh là là. We were THAT close to the clock tower. Thank goodness we weren't around when it struck the hour. It would have deafened me.

Hussling on the cobbled streets, we were on a mission to get to a vintage shop before it closed at midday. Yay! We made it. Mes amis formidables!!! They knew exactly how to bring joy to my heart. This fabulous vintage shop really was a treat. Check out the awesome houndstooth dress in the window.

I'm loving the fabulous little display of handbags and fur. No bargain buys here. Full quality vintage. Was tempted to spend, but overcame the urge.

We turned our attention back to the markets again. This time our eyes were on food. Oooh, look at these freshly made bowls of sauces!

And here we paused for quite a long time. These pâtes de fruits were sooooooo enticing. Freshly made with all sorts of delectable flavours. The lovely stall holder saw us eyeing up his wares. He cut us a slither and we oohed and arhed over the sweet, tangy flavour.

The gorgeous stall owner was so kind. He sliced off a slither of very expensive nougat for us to sample. I must say, nougat is simply the best sweet treat that you can imagine. It melts in your mouth with a creamy consistency. The nuts give it a sublime crunchy consistency. I wonder if I will ever taste anything like it back home?? 

As Jess was making the purchases, Joel whipped around behind the table to hang on to the little tent. The wind threatened to send it tumbling into the next door neighbour's stall. 
The gentleman sliced the pâtes de fruits and rolled it in sugar. Géniale!

Meanwhile the little pooch at the neighbouring stall took it all in his stride. "Just another day at the office." Too cute!

Leaving the markets behind, we were spoilt for choice regarding which cute coffee shop to invade. We salivated over these macaroons. We wildly invested in one each. I must say they were exquisite-melt-in-your-mouth-extraordinarily-delicious!!!!! We had a hard time settling on which flavour, but were very happy with our choices.

The red roses hanging from the chandelier were awesome.

I'm loving this photo. Its mirror magic.

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