Friday 7 February 2014

W-w-w-w-w-w-w-winter wonderland

Man, I was so lucky to get the opportunity to go to the mountains to have fun in the snow. 

I was with a family. Three teenage boys. Simply divine. It sure made me hanker for the fun times with my three sons. 

We had a divine Saturday night dinner of homemade vegetable soup. I slept in an arrangement a bit like a loft. I was cosy as a pig in mud.

The next morning, I woke up and was blown away with the kindness of my hostess. She had made a fresh cup of hot delicious coffee. She brought it to my bedside so that I could drink it  whilst still in bed. 

After a quick shower, I skipped downstairs to be greeted with these vistas through the chateau windows. 

It took about half an hour, or maybe even a bit more for D. and I to prepare for an outdoor excursion. (It must be such a hassle to prepare a young family for an outdoor fun.)

The conditions were quite ominous at times, nevertheless, I had the time of my life frolicking in the snow. All the time, I couldn't stop grinning. After a while, my teeth became cold. How bizarre.

I was admiring the gorgeous view from the doorway, when an unexpected snowball skimmed past my nose. The obligatory snowball fight then announced the beginning of the outdoor adventure.

The snow was a most exquisite neon, fluorescent white. It was powdery, wet and deep as my ankles. Putting on the rackets was awkward and clumsy for a "noob" like me. How fortunate they matched my bright pink outfit.

I was deeply grateful that I had purchased the quality snow gear for a "song" at a local opportunity shop.

As you know, working hard in the snow means that you perspire a lot underneath all the layers. 

The up hill climb was peppered with intermittent stops to catch our breath and for me to take a snap.

The wind works creates snowy, artistic formations just like it does with sand.

At times, the snow descended with pea soup density.

The sky belied the fact that it was almost mid day.

The icy lake made me shiver at the thought of accidentally falling in. D. told me that she fondly remembers a summer birthday party for one of her boys. She loaded up a truckload of energetic boys and took them to this lake for a birthday picnic. The boys had a ball and she didn't have to entertain them at all. Very "cool". I had to use my imagination, to picture this little corner of paradise in summer.

The wind whipped at my cheeks and the wet was starting to dribble down the front of my jacket. It was at this point that I suggested that we turn around and start heading for home.

I didn't take any more snaps, as the job of taking off my gloves and mittens was a chore. The wind really was quite vicious.

However, at one point, we found shelter from the wind. We paused for a 3 minute meditation break. It was magical. Really felt privileged to experience the mountain whilst it was in a wintry mood.

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