Saturday 22 February 2014

Nice Here I come

It's going to be another 2 weeks before I am able to post on my blog again.

I am off to Nice for a two week language course. I will have time to do a bit of sightseeing as well.I will be staying with a french host.

My i pad won't let me create new posts and I am not taking my computer with me. (Too heavy.)This is going to be a grand experience as I am only taking a few items with me. I need to be able to walk considerable distances with my luggage.

So I have resurrected my photos of my visit to Nice, Antibes and Cannes last October. 
Nice definitely has a different feel about it than Gap. In particular, I will enjoy the warmer temperatures.

I look forward to my future posts on my return after a couple of weeks. 

À bientôt. Bises.

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