Saturday 7 December 2013

Orchestre de Chambre Pelleas

The 6:30 p.m. bus into town was empty. What's that all about?

As I stepped off the bus, I pulled my collar closer to my neck and marched through the biting cold with stoic tenacity. The fact that I had a raging headache, my nose had an endless streaming of fluid and my body resisted any instruction to put one foot in front of the other didn't stop me from keeping my Friday evening engagement. I, H and T were previous acquaintances from a visit to Chateau Arnoux. They asked me to join them for drinks and nibbles before a classical music concert. I had been looking forward to this for a couple of weeks. My ominous sore throat and pre-cold symptoms forewarned me of the impending (disastrous) malady. I couldn't let this opportunity pass!

Despite the 6:30 p.m. bus being empty, the township was full of happy vibes. There was a Telethon on at the local ice hockey stadium. There were balloons, groups of people on bicycles, motorbikes and lots of people heading towards the stadium. I resisted the three cheek salute when I bumped into a friend, for fear of spreading the "germs". She informed me that the event took place all over France. Oh! Note to self: "I should really listen to the news more!"

Anyway, I moved on towards the central rendez-vous apartment, silently wondering how on earth I am going to survive the evening, as I felt completely wretched.

It was good to see I. again. The pizza and wine went down a treat and I managed to keep up a semi-reasonable conversation in french. When they speak, it is rapid and lyrical; when I speak, it is painful and full of pauses as I attempt to speak with correct grammar!

 The two teenage boys, I's sons, consumed copious amounts of pizza, such as I have never seen before! My pathetic contribution, ( 2 large pizza slices purchased from a local patisserie) were swept aside as three gigantic piping hot pizzas disappeared down the boys' throats.

Parking for the concert was non-existent. I. dropped two of us off, so that we could stay warm inside. I later found out that I. had parked the car in the most awkward, audacious and crazy position. She had negotiated the car into a space that had absolutely no space between the bumpers of the front and rear cars!!!!!!! Exiting involved doing a comedy routine of bumping the front and rear cars. Thank goodness they had old fashioned bumpers! 

Below is a picture of the magnificent conductor of the orchestra: Benjamin Levy.

The evening was superb. The music magnificent. The lead violinist masterfully created music made in heaven. I cannot remember going to a classical concert at this masterful level ever before. I plugged my nose with a hanky, however, unfortunately, it didn't prevent me from feeling like death warmed up. The paracetamol didn't seem to be helping.

I was so glad that I went; it was truly memorable. Climbing into bed at midnight, I was grateful that Beethoven had written such incredible music and that the orchestra played with such skill. 

Some people are just darned clever!

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