Monday 2 December 2013

Return to the school canteen

Dismayed at my (self perceived) lack of progress, I made a decision to return to dining at the school canteen for lunch. 

Good idea!

The fruit of the day was KIWIFRIUT! I was suspicious that it would be hard and bitter, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was sweet and ripe. Interestingly served with a lettuce leaf.

The orange stuff is cubes of fruit. Glass of water, a bread roll, spaghetti bolognese and strawberry mousse with watery chocolate sauce. 

The half hour sitting at the table with the french teachers was a brilliant language lesson. I announced to the table that I was back so that I could become more fluent in french. Well….

they all took it upon themselves to correct my grammar, speak in extreme slow motion and include me in all their jokes. I felt terrible as they patiently explained word for word, dissecting the joke until all the humour had been wrung out to dry. In particular, the teachers' table at the school canteen is a good education in ( shall we say ) " informal terminology".

With a full belly and armed with new "interesting" vocabulary, I was able to continue the rest of the day, well fortified.

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