Monday 16 September 2013

Bye bye Cappuccino

This picture isn't mine. As you can see it came off the net. But I have something a little bit disturbing to share with you.
I have over the last year or two developed a most social habit of taking a regular cappuccino once a day.
I think this habit is about to be blown out of existence for ten months.

When I showed the students at school my collection of gorgeous cappuccino decorations they were in awe. They asked  how do you do that? It was then the truth that I had been denying over the past week, was in fact a reality. The cappuccino culture belongs in Auckland, not here. Cappuccinos, as I have come to know and love them, don't exist.

The other day I drank a strong mugful of rich black coffee. It seemed extremely bitter, but I drank it nonetheless.
A couple of hours later my skin was hypersensitive and I could almost see the coursing coffee in my veins on the insides of my arms. Note to self: don't do that again. It simply cannot be tolerated by my body.

Aside from that, it is a daily luxury that is far too expensive. I will need to watch my $$$$. I found out how much I will have to pay for canteen lunches per week. Let's just say that it is quite A LOT! Eeek.


  1. Yep, New Zealand is the place for coffee! But I got used to those wee tots of black. :-)

  2. oh boy. i'm going to try cappuccino sachets from the supermarket.
