Friday 22 November 2013

Dinner party for 11

Hosted by a most warm, endearing and wonderful italian woman. I shall call her S. She is a petite, 40 -something school teacher. She loves to cook, create art and she is a strong presence in the italian school at Pinerolo, near Turin, Italy. S invited us three visiting teachers from France and a few of her friends to dinner. There were 11 around the table.

The table was set with a colourful flare and attention to detail.

The fire was burning in the lounge; the eclectic collections of pen nibs and a huge variety of fascinating artistic creations were displayed for a unique experience on close examination. I was dying to take a photo of everything, but I didn't want to seem like a spy. I have been accused of being a spy on two other occasions as I have a growing reputation of taking photos with gay abandon. 

How cute is this gorgeous little fellow!

So we had drinks and very pleasant conversation before being shown into the kitchen.

The endless amounts of collections of things adorned every space in S's sumptuous kitchen.

The meal began with little pastry swirls filled with salmon, ham and cheese. Olives and other snacks were also passed around. Little did I know what was to follow.

A beautiful large loaf of bread and little rolls littered the table. 

A delicious creamy-soft pumpkin loaf with anchovy sauce piqued my taste buds. It WAS DELICIOUS. I cooed and ahhhhed over its playful flavours as they danced around my mouth.

Next was a beautiful plate of ravioli with meat sauce. Yummo! 

Next came a platter of huge cheeses, arranged as if they were a piece of art. I sampled a few. Yes. They were of extremely good quality.

After that, was the main dish. But unfortunately, I couldn't fit anymore in. I was full to the brim. Everyone else ate the sumptuously prepared meat and potatoes with deep appreciation.

Following the meat and potatoes was a selection of two gateaux. One was made solely of nuts and the other had candied fruits added to it.

Next came a huge saucepan full of cooked pears with a sweet sauce.

After that was fruit and chocolate, followed by coffee.

The whole evening was very loud talking; many cross conversations over the table. There was heaps of hand and arm movements. This was all carried out mainly in italian, a little bit of french and every now and then a bit of english for me. 

Throughout the evening, I was pulled into the conversation with questions about New Zealand or about my personal life. Whenever I spoke, everyone else stopped talking and they listened to me intently. All eyes were fixed on me. I felt as if I was in the spotlight. Was it because I was an oddity? Or was it that they couldn't understand a word I said. Or was it my dazzling spark of the joie de vivre that was the draw card? ha ha ha. Anyway, the evening passed very quickly, but by the time midnight rolled around, I was ready to hit the sack. But no, the conversation kept going strong for another hour until someone thumped their fist on the table and declared the meal at an end. I strongly suggest that he saw my eyes starting to close. I was so embarrassed. My eyes betrayed me.

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