Wednesday 6 November 2013

Lovely Lyon

This very boring shot of the hotel folder shows you where I stayed. It was another 2 star hotel on the cheap, but, man! What a difference. I loved the welcoming feel that the words on the folder imparted to me. What a shame that the girl on the front desk, didn't have the same warm ambience!

I was soooo delighted with the room. It was double the size of the Paris hotel room. It had a jug for making a cup of tea. The basin had a plug, so I could wash my smalls and it even had a TV.

I felt as though I didn't have to fear cockroaches. I lay on the bed for an hour, just regathering my strength for a walk through town.

The view from my hotel room. I was on the 6th floor. As you know, I am not fond of heights. As I took this shot, I was very careful not to lean too far out. The nice thing was that I was able to watch the clouds with a beautiful blue backdrop from the supine position on the bed.

This insipid boring watercolour picture takes the prize for the most outrageously BORING piece of art of all time. Shoot the artist; put him/her out of his/her misery!

4 o'clock in the afternoon. I had a few hours of daylight left to explore. First shot was of the park again. It was right outside the front door of the hotel.

What an incredible surprise to walk into town and see this Disney-like castle on the hill.

Very cool balloon man. He was struggling with the strong wind. He he he.

Interesting sign on the wall of a clothing shop.  I like the owl t shirt!!!

Do remember what candy floss is in french. I told you in a few blogs back.  

Barbe à Papa, Dad's beard.

In the middle of town was a HUGE pool of water that was synchronised to provide a wonderful display. 
Yet another beautiful carousel.

Yet another grandiose, magnificent piece of architecture!

To contrast with such beauty, I snapped this outrageous Halloween display. Ew!

As I wearily made my way back to the hotel, I caught a glimpse of this fabulous piece of architecture. It was nestled in amongst other buildings that hid it from full view.

The city was alive with happiness. Check out these cute little girls dancing to the oompapa band.

That night I enjoyed blobbing out on the bed watching TV like a real slob.

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