Friday 29 November 2013


 It was a stunning crisp day. A perfect day to get in tune with the vibes that hum in the quaint town of Gap.

 I thought I'd give you an up date on my two horse neighbours: Roxanne and Cybéle. Every time I pass by, I call out and speak to them in french. They twitch their ears, blink and otherwise remain motionless. I making clucking and kissing noises. I'm afraid it's a very one-way relationship. In this photo they are only two tiny dots in the distance.

They aren't wearing coats. The snow is starting to melt, revealing dead, muddy grass. Yuk!

I stopped at the patisserie to purchase some items for lunch. I paused to take a photo of this cool BLUE plant. Next to it ,someone has very optimistically planted some baby polyanthus. I wonder how they will cope with the next snow fall?

Walking towards town I wanted to show you the barren trees. Most of the snow has melted.

I paused at the florist. I loved the window display, but this photo does it no justice. 

I peeked through the door and asked the lady if I could take a photo, " Bonjour, Madame! Excusez-moi, est-ce que je jeux prendre un photo?" She agreed with a wide beaming grin and a flow of beautiful poetic french that I didn't understand a word of.

I peeked through the door after I took the photo and asked her if she had made the display herself. 
Damn it! I inadvertently used the informal "tu" instead of the more polite "vous". How rude of me! But she was very forgiving and we laughed at my language incapabilities with amicable giggles. The people in Gap are so friendly!

I rather fancied the name of this restaurant.

Interesting menu. Pink Pasta: with leek sauce and scallops. Interesting.

This dude below is doing a concert in Gap on Friday 31 January. He looks like a cool Monsieur. I wonder what his music is like?

These gorgeous ladies are a cool arty attraction in the town square. Its impossible to take photos because of the shadows cast from the winter light.

I paused in a dog walking park to eat lunch. A curious little doggie wanted to eat my pizza. The doggie's owner and I struck up a conversation. I was quite taken by her striking looks. Her skin was beautiful and her minimal makeup enhanced her beauty immensely. It was near the end of the conversation that I found out that she was in Gap for 6 months of cancer treatment. Her husband had died of cancer 7 years ago. Her turquoise eyes told me more of her personal story than she could ever express in words. It was a fleeting but humbling conversation.

I live in the South of Gap. I had walked to furtherest northern regions. Here the snow had not melted. It had turned to ice. Very treacherous.

I started following a river. It was very beautiful and rustic.

After following the river for some time, the sun was beaming into this little enclave next to the river. Someone had placed two chairs in amongst the leaves. It was the perfect place to stop and meditate. I could have stayed there for hours as the river made a wonderful sound as it gurgled and gushed over the rocks. MMMMmmmmmmm.  How refreshing!

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