Thursday 28 November 2013

What inspires you?

What inspires me??????


I picked up these little darlings in a 4 minute pee wee stop on the border of France and Italy in a tobacconist shop, Tabac. Aren't they sweet? I wonder why I am so attracted to owls. They are made of a very light ceramic substance.

I invited E and JM chez moi for a Shepherd's Pie dinner. E brought the desert. She just so happened to bring the desert ( beautifully crafted, delicious pastries) on a gorgeous bright pink glossy plate. She was very generous by saying that I could keep the plate. I took a photo of it close up and then I promptly used it as a backdrop for my i pad setting!  ( Ma vie on rose!) It was not contrived that the time was eleven minutes past the hour.

The girls bathroom at the car museum was the most outrageous green that you can possibly imagine! We all posed with confidence in front of the mirror. 
What an audacious colour for a ladies rest room.

Je l'adore!

What a snazzy colour combination for a table setting!

The students at the high school that we visited in Italy didn't wear a uniform. One of the boys was wearing a very cool t shirt. He didn't mind at all when I asked him if I could take a photo of his T shirt.

The colour of this little darling, really got my heart pumping!

My fleecy-lined purple gloves have been an absolute blessing.

Glossy orange Halloween display. Delectable!

Very groovy display in the italian car museum.

When I stayed with L in Italy, she gave me the most gorgeous little tartan slippers to wear inside the house. LURVE!!!  L'amour.

The groovy display in the window of a local shop was truly inspiring!

Shop window in Italy. ARHHHHH! Gorgeous!!!! I had to run fast to catch up with the group after taking this photo!

This kind of visual tease is a common sight in shop windows everywhere!!!!  These particular little darlings were in Italy.

 I decided it is much better to look rather than taste it all.

Some people are just darn clever artists! 

I invited a friend to have a play with the "paper" app on my i pad. This is what he came up with. Looks like a "Matisse" to me!

I sure had fun with this little display on my apartment coffee table. The teddy bear                     ( nounours) is from a second hand store. I sewed some eyelashes on her. Adorned her with my fabulous jewellery, sat her on top of my knitting project, and accompanied her with some flowers that E had given me. Voila!

This is my humble table setting just before E and JM arrived as dinner guests. The table cloth is a purchase from the supermarket.

This is my masterpiece whilst playing with the tools of the "paper" app on my i pad.

E gave me the red shoulder bag. It has been the most useful colourful bag that has accompanied me on many travels. The matching tartan ( carreaux) bag was a 5 euro purchase in a second-hand store. It is styled with a fantastic retro, 1960's silhouette. I love it. When you go supermarket shopping, you HAVE to take your open bags. Many times over the last 3 months I have been caught out. The tartan bag pairs nicely with the red bag and I must be the most well co ordinated shopper in Gap.

This cool picture of red poppies adorns my wall in the apartment. I love the symbolism of the poppy with the NZers that died at Dunkirk. I bought this gorgeous canvas from a second-hand shop for 2 euros. I had to cart it home along with a donkey-load of other stuff at the same time.

I bought a skipping rope with every good intention in the world to do some exercise. In the good old days of youth, I skipped to keep in good form. Alas, the skipping rope hung around for quite a few weeks. Fuelled with creativity, I decided to put the skipping rope to good use. I tied my peggy squares to it and strung it from hither to thither. Then not to be too boring, I have hung my broaches and earrings on the squares to good effect. Above the hanging is a calendar that I bought for next year. It is full of colour. I thought that it would make a good gift, but I'm not too sure if I could part with it. You know what its like when you buy gifts.

I have really enjoyed experimenting with using watercolours and felt pens. I have made my own thank you cards.

Thank you for following my blog.

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