Wednesday 20 November 2013

Heading towards our afternoon destination, I spotted this little three wheeled vehicle. The two large cylindrical containers each had a large chimney protruding from it. I swear Mr Bean was driving it.  

Steam punk is alive and well in rural Italy.

We donned hairnets and cute yellow hard hats to enter the chalk mine.

The first heart pounding adventure was to walk across the grill of the mine shaft. I reneged on this challenge. a student took the photo for me looking down the mine shaft.

The little train ride was a bit of a thrill. 



Glad I don't have to wear this head gear for my every day job.

On resurfacing, I took a snap of the name of the mine we had just visited.

The bus drive towards home was quiet as we had experienced a full day's activities.

It was 8 degrees outside. It took only 10 minutes for the sky to turn from day into night.

Little did I know that I had only experienced half a day. The evening proved to be the most incredible dinner party I had ever attended. I can't wait to share the adventure with you. I ended up going to bed at 1:45 a.m. Something that I hadn't done for almost a decade.

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