Thursday 28 November 2013


The trip to Italy was an introduction to seeing and feeling snow in large amounts. In order to arrive in Italy, it was necessary to travel through very high mountains. Here is a photo looking out the bus window.

 As you can see, the air is thick with a white mist. 

Our lunch stop in a ski resort village was fascinating. The village had prepared for the onslaught of seasonal visitors. Everything had been prepared, but there was NO-ONE around. It was quite deserted. Although, I did see a very glamorous, sexy woman who must have been part of the jet set. The ski season will soon start, and I could imagine the village alive with energetic sporty people.

The students let off some steam by throwing snow at each other. I have since learnt that this is a very common practice.

Last weekend, I smiled to myself as a saw a father and young teenage son have a fun fight that involved trying to get snow down the back of the other person's clothes. I shuddered and cringed at the thought of snow melting down my back as if someone had done the dirty deed.  I think that must be pretty damn close to torture.

My Sensations of "Cold".

Whenever I go out walking now, I ensure that I have plenty of layers on. The amazing thing about these sub-zero temperatures, is exposed body parts. What an incredible experience to have cold eyeballs!!! …… and what about cold teeth???????? How crazy is that?  My cheeks feel as though knives are cutting into my skin. When waiting for the bus, I can feel the ice off the North Pole cutting into my bones. I keep shaking my legs and walking on the spot. I haven't yet experienced waiting for the bus for longer than 10 minutes. I don't think I could last longer than 10 minutes.

A friend, D, quietly chuckled to herself when I went for dinner the other night. She was tickled by the fact that I had so many layers on. Of course, when you live in the mountains, your body adjusts to the temperatures.I have yet to adjust. 

The first sprinkling of snow was pure magic. It fell in soft feathery patterns. It was EXACTLY like being in a glass snowball that you shake up. It was soooooooooo beautiful!!!!!

Once the snow has fallen and the low, heavy clouds have cleared, the vista is AHMAZING!!!! 

The sharp winter sun casts sharply contrasting shadows and the snow glistens like diamonds.

My apartment maintains a temperature of 21 degrees all day and all night. I am so lucky to be so cosy.

I have bought some more clothes in an attempt to be more appropriately dressed for the weather. Quality clothes are not cheap!

 The snow makes the most delectable crunchy sound when you walk on it. (I love squeaky sand as well.) Footprints in the snow are just as poetic as footprints in the sand. 

Some very cheeky boys at school, were in fits of hilarity when I took a photo of their anatomically detailed snow creature. The funny thing was, the body part snapped off as I was about to take the picture, so they put it back on again after making it even larger!

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